Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"the best thing that has happened this week..."

I can't even tell you how many people have told us that Elliot is the best thing that has happened to them this past week. Totally true. There are so many trials and tribulations going on in the lives of loved ones right now, not to mention with this whole Penn State Saga.

Elliot's arrival has been a joyful occassion (DUH!) but we've also had some heartache in our little family this week. My Uncle Spike died this week. He had cancer running all through his body. My husband said to me, "When I heard the news of Uncle Spike passing I immediately imagined your Mommom in heaven saying to Spike, 'Ugh! You just missed Elliot!'" I had to laugh because I could totally see that happening.

My Uncle Spike is in the photos above wearing the white golf shirt with green collar. He was a wonderful man, and is now one of Elliot's newest guardian angels.

My grandfather is tremendously excited about Elliot's arrival and I can't wait for Elliot to meet his GG PopWalt. Elliot is named after my Nana and his middle name Walter is after my father and grandfather. I like to refer to Elliot in his Polish and American names.

I'm feeling better and better each day but know that healing will definitely take time. I'm so grateful to have mom here with us because she's been a huge help. Having a mom that's also a nurse is awesome! Mom has helped me decrease some of the swelling I have (and eventually in 5-8 weeks it should all be gone). She's also helped with well... everything! Apparently my incision looks GREAT and while I'm quite bruised it is looking good.

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