Saturday, August 3, 2013

A nice treat...

After our family trip to the library today, we decided to pick up some dinner and head home.   We ended up picking up dessert, too!    Dessert was PERFECT for Elliot today.    Elliot's molars are starting to come in and I recently read that the two year molars are "the worst" and the pain can come and go for weeks or MONTHS before the buds even break through.  

We tried Top-It for the first time.    I give them an A+!

Top-It is pretty cool!

You pay by the ounce (about $0.40) and you can get as much as you want of whatever you want.   It's self-serve.    I was able to go in with Elliot and let HIM choose from the flavors I read off.   He was able to choose if he wanted a waffle bowl, a waffle cone, or a cup.   (Yes, HE chooses.)

After we selected our flavors (he had peanut butter and vanilla), we then got to take a look at the toppings.   They have everything.   FRESH (not canned) fruit - yes, please!   Nuts, granola, candy, even cookie dough!   Elliot chose to have "blues" (blueberries), "rabs" (raspberries), strawberry and a small sprinkle of chopped almond.    Total:  $3.07

The cool thing is I was able to mix some of the "rabs" and "blues" in to the bottom so that when we got close to finishing, he still had some cold and frozen fruit to suck on.   Molars coming in is rough!  Top-It to the Rescue!    As a family, we shared the entire treat.    However, I have a feeling we'll be going back to make our own sometime soon.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds fantastic! There's a new frozen yogurt place nearby that we might need to check out! I love the Elliot chooses his own things - I can't wait for Ryan to be able to point/say the things he wants!
