Monday, November 12, 2012

One Year Appointment

Elliot had his one year well child appointment and did VERY well!

He has lost 2.5 pounds which puts him in the 18th percentile for weight at 20lbs and 12oz.

This is almost right where he needs to be.   He was 7lbs at birth and by the one year appointment he should have tripled his birthweight.  

He is 29 inches long.  

He has mastered all of the milestones for 12 months already and only has TWO to master under the 18 month chart.    This warms my teacher heart!

Unfortunately, he did have to get four shots yesterday.     He had his flu shot, chicken pox vaccine, mmr vaccine, and hep A vaccine.   A few tears were shed but he perked right up when he was given Clifford bandaids and then was taken for a walk to pick out a new book.    I love that he leaves the doctors office with books instead of lolli-pops!

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