Thursday, December 8, 2011

Teen Mom!

Being home I've finally been able to see the show that is Teen Mom. Yea.. um... wow.

I wonder how these irresponsible youngsters do it. Below is my medical bill.

I don't know any teens with this kind of cash laying around....

Private room for 3 full days 1,446.00
Pharmacy [x 12] 498.00
IV solutions [x 10] 872.00
Med-sur supplies [x 19] 1,301.00
Sterile supply 49.00
Laboratory [x 8] 880.00
chemistry [x 3] 353.00
hematology [x3] 165.00
lab patho hist 106.00
OR services 3,569.00
anesthesia 706.00 ((because you know being numb is optional, lol))
respiratory 94.00
drugs req detailed coding [x18] 930.00
recovery room 73.00
therapeutic services 466.00

Total: 11,508.00 ((some of this stuff I don't even know what it is)) But there's MORE!

Emergency response 8:14am - 997.45 (this is when I apparently almost died or something)

And then there's Elliot!

General classification nursery x3 858.00 ((he slept with me so I'm not sure what this is))pharmacy 15.00
med-sur supplies for circumcision 86.00
lab 354.00
chemistry 41.00
immunology 44.00
audiology/dx 55.00 ((hearing test I opted for))
administration of vaccine 22.00
Total for Elliot 1,475
Grand total: 13,980.45
Having the baby you were told you never would have: PRICELESS

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