Sunday, December 13, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday, Elliot!

November 7, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday, Elliot Walter!     This year has been a HUGE year for you.    Mainly because you went from being an only child to turning into a big brother.   Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to have a sibling for you.    I prayed for it, of course.   However, it seemed that science was wrong once again.   Mommy was told that you would be my one and only, but apparently, God wins again!  

You were a MAJOR part of my pregnancy with Nora.    If I had to choose two things you learned this past year, I would say you learned compassion and understanding. You helped me when I was sick, you held my hand when I would lose my balance, and you came to many doctors’ appointments.    You would talk to my belly and feel your baby sister kick to the sound of your voice.     You helped set up her room and you even helped learn her name before anyone else ever knew it.

Now I know your little sister is barely two months old now, but I truly hope that you two become good friends.     Even though she is so very tiny right now, you are a huge part of her world.    You’re an amazing big brother and you’re growing into such an amazing young man.

You have blessed my life tremendously and I am so very honored to be your Mommy.   I love you, with all my heart and soul.



Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Introducing Nora!

Nora Mae Geib arrived at 7:46am on September 21, 2015.

She weighed in at six pounds and twelve ounces, 19.5 inches long.

Mom and baby are doing well!

Daddy and Big Brother Elliot are absolutely in love!  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hospital Wishes and Instagram Alert!

Hello, hello!

We are so grateful for all the love and support we have received thus far as we anticipate Nora's arrival.   As of this time, I will be induced on the 21st of this month.    

It is our heartfelt request that we have NO VISITORS on the 21st.    We aren't trying to "keep her" from anyone, we need this time as a family to bond.   The hospital is aware of this request, so no visitors will be accepted on the 21st.    

Keep in mind, for nearly FOUR years, Elliot has been the center of our world.   This is a big, big, BIG transition for him.    Elliot meeting his little sister and having as much one on one time with her is incredibly important.    Plus, labor is hard yo.    I'm most likely going to be in pain, uncomfortable, looking like a hot mess (but a happy hot mess) ... who knows!  

Visitors ARE welcome after the 21st starting at noon and ending at 8pm.    The hospital has become very strict (and I like it!) about the number of people in the room.   I am allowed no more than 4 visitors at a time, considering my mom will be with me as labor coach and home nurse, that number is actually 3.  

If you would like to "follow me" on Instagram, my username is mamageib.

Thank you for your love, prayers, and understanding as we anxiously await Nora's arrival.

Leigh Anne

Awesome. Just Awesome.

Last night, while taking photos, Mark said the one photo reminded him very much so of my first time meeting Elliot.   Mark made this for comparison.  

39+ week "Photo Shoot"

Sometimes Mark takes thee best pictures.   We did these tonight, and wow... I'm so in love.    God, thank you for my miracle babies.   Thank you for keeping them safe both inside and outside of the womb.   I may not be loaded with money or things, but my blessings in love and grace are out of this world!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Way to go, Elliot!

Elliot is such a lover of learning, and he has been having a heck of a time with writing his name "in order."   Well, here it is folks!   Look at that face!!!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Finally - her face!

Before we know it, Nora will be here!

Elliot is a remarkable big brother already and I can't wait to see the two of them together.   Nora recently decided to finally show us her face on ultrasound!   It's about time baby girl!  

Things are going great.   Nora is healthy, I am healthy, and we're ready for delivery!    Bags are packed, Nora is in position.... and now.... we just wait.  

I can't wait to meet her.   I recently watched this video of meeting Elliot for the first time and it made me bawl like a baby.   :-)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Nora's room & month 8 belly shots

I can't believe I am in the 8th month!   This pregnancy has been VERY different than my pregnancy with Elliot.    I'm so excited to meet this little girl and just pray she STAYS PUT until September.   She's quite feisty in there!    I was able to have two of my childhood dresses made by my Nana (Mom's mom) into two bears.   My mom has one bear, Nora has the other.   I had a lot of fun decorating her room because a lot of the stuff in there is stuff that was mine from my mom or stuff that I held on to over the years "just in case" I'd have a little girl some day.  

Elliot is doing a great job helping get ready for little sister.   He has such a beautiful soul.   I'm so proud to be his mom.