Monday, April 1, 2013

Elliot's words...

Posting this not just for bragging but so that I have it when we go back to the pediatrician.  :)

Elliot's words at nearly 17 months old....

  1. mama
  2.  dada
  3.  daddy
  4.  mimi
  5.  nana
  6.  pawpaw
  7.  matt
  8. grape
  9. bus
  10. down
  11.  put
  12. cookie
  13. good
  14. girl
  15. oh
  16.  boy
  17.  wow
  18. yum
  19. more
  20. please
  21. "thank you"
  22.  car
  23.  cuk (truck)
  24. uh oh
  25. whoa
  26. cool
  27. cold
  28. go
  29. let
  30. "Lets go!"
  31.  "oh my!"
  32.  "Oh dear!"
  33. brrrrr (when he gets out of the bath, LOL)
  34. poop
  35. butt
  36.  kitty
  37. pretty
  38. bad
  39. hat

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