Sunday, May 20, 2012

We took Elliot to see the Ocean...

These photos do no justice for the memories made yesterday.

Watching the ocean with my son for the first time was amazing!

We had a wonderful time!   We were all over the place, and I've got many more photos to post!

I can't believe the weekend has come to an end!   Dear Summer, Get here FAST!  :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

6 Month Letter!

Dearest Elliot,

Happy 6th Months!  You have now been in our life for well over a year and in
our arms for six months.  Time sure does fly!  You are so full of love!  So
full of energy!  So full of life!  You are curious... and daring!  You're
learning more and more each day.    You're growing so fast - it's almost as
if you're doing something new each day!

You were named after my Nana, Eleanor.  One of her favorite songs was
"Forever Young" by Rod Stewart.    When we found out you were growing in my
tummy, we had a lot of friends and family asking us to "register" for gifts.
The problem was... daddy and I were TERRIFIED of not just losing you - but
also, we were TERRIFIED of the store "Babies-r-Us."    It sounds so silly to
even be typing this, but that store was a store we avoided at all costs.
It was too painful in the past to be there because Daddy and I weren't sure
if you'd ever arrive.  We believed you would.    But again, we weren't sure
it would happen.  We must have walked into Babies-r-Us at least four or
five times before "registering."    The day we walked in and registered is
the day that we walked in and heard the song "Forever Young."    We knew God
(and your Great-Nana) were smiling down on us giving us the "ok" to start
getting excited. 

One of the things you do that really makes us smile, is you respond to
music.  You always have.  Since the moment you could hear in my womb, you
responded to music.    I remember driving home from work and hearing Adele's
song, "Rolling in the Deep" playing for the first time, and then feeling you
kick me for the first time.    It was SO COOL.    From then on, any time
that song played... you would kick.  And when you finally arrived.... I'd
rock you to sleep to her music.    You LOVE music.  Especially country
music... and anything with drums!

So, for your sixth month letter/lesson... I have for you, my dear, sweet,
miracle boy... the lyrics to "Forever Young" by Rod Stewart.    You are the
love of our life sweet boy!
Love, Mommy!

May the good Lord be with you
Down every road that you roam
And may sunshine and happiness
Surround you when you're far from home
And may you grow to be proud, dignified and true
And do unto others as you'd have done to you

Be courageous and be brave
And in my heart you'll always stay
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young

May good fortune be with you
May your guiding light be strong
Build a stairway to Heaven
With a prince or a vagabond

And may you never love in vain
And in my heart you will remain
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young, yeah

And when you finally fly away
I'll be hoping that I served you well
For all the wisdom of a lifetime
No one can ever tell

But whatever road you choose
I'm right behind you, win or lose
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
Forever young, forever young
For, forever young, forever young

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Elliot meets Auntie SB!

Elliot met his Auntie SB today!

We're so excited that he is six months old now because it means he can go up over mountains with no ear issues!    We're excited to go and visit her this summer!    She spoiled him of course - and Mommy too.    I can't wait for the two of them to have time together again!   He really enjoyed her!    :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mark!

Happy Birthday to my amazing husband!   My Mark!

Thank you for always being the one I can run to - for anything.   You've been my best friend for the past ten years.   You are without a doubt, my soul mate.    Thank you for loving me unconditionally.    Thank you for standing by me through everything.   Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me with my hopes and dreams.    Through countless tears and melt downs on our road to infertility, you never let go of my hand.   Through miscarriages and let downs, you were there.   You wiped my tears.   You stood by my side.   You never made me feel "less than."   You kept our dream of being parents alive through your constant faith and optimism.   And now, on your birthday.... you have your son.    You are a phenomenal father.    Elliot is head over heels in love with his daddy.    You two are my world!  My men!   I hope this is your best birthday yet, and I'm looking forward to spending many more with you!   So happy 34th my love, but happy 1st birthday as a daddy.  We love you. 
All my love for always and forever,
Leigh Anne