Dearest Elliot,
I will probably say this a lot as I write you these letters... you have
grown! I can't believe that this is your letter for month three! You
definitely light up our lives with your laughter and your smile.
The lesson for this letter is going to be on laughter and enjoying life.
One of the things I love about the relationship I have with your daddy is
that in the past ten years there has not been one day where we have not
laughed together. Even when things aren't going the way we would like, we
end up laughing.
Laughter, like love, is a gift from God. A laugh can bring so much joy to
your heart and your day. This past month you started to laugh. And
wow... what a sound! Your laugh is one of my new favorite sounds. When
you were growing in my tummy I used to love going to the doctor to hear your
heart beating. And now that you are here, it's such a delight to hear and
see your delight.
You are such a happy baby! You love to snuggle and even though you're not
so sure what a kiss is, you love to show affection. You are curious and
learning to grab and explore. Your eyes light up in amazement at the
littlest things. But your laugh, ah your sweet laugh.... your laugh
brings so much joy to my heart.
As you get older you will learn that there are going to be times where you
need to be serious. You will learn that there are going to times where
you need to be silly. Embrace these moments. You will learn from the
serious and you will learn from the silly. Above all, always be you. You
are the best you that you can be. Always try your best and know that all
your daddy and I will ever want from you is to at least try.
You are the love of my life my sweet boy!
All my love,
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chit Chats

When Elliot was first born we had a conversation immediately when he was placed into my arms. It was just tooooo cool. Such a magical moment.
I'm now back to work ((on week 2)) and I miss him terribly. My body is actually having literal physical responses to missing him which we're working on trying to fix with my OB. It's really bizarre, actually.
But now, I come home after he's been with his Grammy & PaPa in the mornings and one of his Aunties in the afternoons and we chat. He coos and laughs and smiles and it's just awesome. His laugh is so subtle and his smile is just so precious. I love being back to work with my students but I do miss him... very much... so my desk area is completely surrounded by photos. And my kids ask me about him every day and if he did something new or funny or cute or even annoying. How blessed am I to be able to touch the life of these young lives and the life of my son? I think I've been diagnosed with I-love-Elliot-itis.
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