Monday, November 7, 2016

Happy 5th Birthday, Elliot!

November 7, 2016

Happy 5th Birthday, Elliot Walter!   Wow!   What a year it has been!    I’m sure as the years go on, you may read these letters and think things such as, “Yea, Mom.   I get it.   I’ve grown.”   Or maybe, “Okay, Mom.   I know, I know, I’m a child of God.”   My hope is that these letters to you will be a comfort (especially when you are older).   Perhaps you will have a family of your own.   Perhaps you will live a world of adventure.   Perhaps, both!   I sincerely hope that these letters are as much a treat for you to read as they have been for me to write.  

The truth is Elliot; you’re never done growing.   I remember being pregnant with you and I found myself worrying over silly things.   I remember wondering if I’d love you right away, and would you love me back.    I have to laugh at these silly thoughts because here I am, five years later, and still incredibly in love with you.   I love you more and more each day.    You bring such joy to my life and the lives of others.  I smile every day because of you.   I find myself constantly amazed by you and forever proud of you.  

This time last year, your little sister was barely two months old.   You were still learning the ins and outs of being a big brother. As Nora grew, you grew.   You became stronger in thought, word, and deed.   It’s been amazing to watch.  And special!   I’ve seen you wipe her tears, help her learn, put her to sleep, etc.    You are immensely proud of her, but also over-protective of her.  When I reflected on a theme for your letter this year, I decided on strength.  

Elliot, you are a strong young man.    You always have been.   From the day I found out I was pregnant with you, you were strong.   I remember being told that you were a “weak egg” and to not get too excited about the pregnancy.   God was my strength and I believed you would be just fine.  I was right.   You were strong inside my womb and you are strong outside my womb.   You have tackled challenge after challenge this year.    You demonstrated strength in understanding when your whole world changed and our family of three became a family of four.   You have accomplished things far out of your comfort zone this year.    Through this strength, I’ve had the honor of seeing Grace, as well.    Through all this, I want you to know that there will be times in your life that you may not feel strong; and that’s okay.   Life isn’t always easy.    However, you get to choose how you live your life.   It is my hope and prayer that you always remain strong, but also always remember that the strength you have inside of you is a gift from God.   There will be times you will feel weak, but please remember, that God will always be with you.  I am your biggest fan, no doubt.   But God, sweet Elliot, God is your core.    I thank Him every day that He chose me to be your Mom.    You are my love and my joy.       

Happy 5th Birthday, sweet boy.
I love you!

Love always,
