Saturday, July 25, 2015

Nora's room & month 8 belly shots

I can't believe I am in the 8th month!   This pregnancy has been VERY different than my pregnancy with Elliot.    I'm so excited to meet this little girl and just pray she STAYS PUT until September.   She's quite feisty in there!    I was able to have two of my childhood dresses made by my Nana (Mom's mom) into two bears.   My mom has one bear, Nora has the other.   I had a lot of fun decorating her room because a lot of the stuff in there is stuff that was mine from my mom or stuff that I held on to over the years "just in case" I'd have a little girl some day.  

Elliot is doing a great job helping get ready for little sister.   He has such a beautiful soul.   I'm so proud to be his mom.

OCNJ Photos

We had a wonderful time in OCNJ!   Here are just a few (emphasis on few) of the photos we took!

When I was pregnant with Elliot, they would not let me on the big giant ferris wheel.    I love that ferris wheel.   So this time, I told the lady to pretend I was just fat.  Haha!   Elliot loved it "all the way up there" and it was just so cool to see him brave the ocean, the rides and enjoy the simple things.

Getting crafty!

Move over pinterest, I had spray paint!

Before.... and AFTER!

It's a Girl!

I really need to get better at updating the blog!

Sorry, family!  I thought you stalked us enough on facebook.   :P

But yes, the rumors are true, we are expecting a baby girl.

Nora Mae Geib is expected to arrive sometime in September.   When?   Who knows!

Nora is named after my grandmother, Eleanor.   Yes, just like Elliot was.   She was that special!  Mae is the middle name of Mark's grandmother and also the month we were married.   Her name means Shining Light.   Considering these photos were done at sunrise on the OCNJ beach, I'd say it's appropriate.