Saturday, March 9, 2013

Elliot's first hair cut!

 The photo's are not in order... but you get the point.

Elliot had his first haircut on March 9, 2013!

We went to Kids Cuts and they did a fabulous job!

No tears for this kid!   :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Elliot meets Mareah!

One of my dearest and most favorite people in all the world is my friend Jennifer.   Jennifer, like me, is a "cyster."    She is a phenomenal friend.    She stood by me and supported me through my entire pregnancy only for me to soon find out she was pregnant as well.    The last time I saw Jennifer she was in her first tri-mester and Elliot was only one month old.   (We live FAR apart)

Last night we had the opportunity to visit with Jennifer and Mareah while she is in town.    Some pictures are blurry - and rightfully so - it's difficult trying to get a 16 month old boy and a 7 month old gal to sit still.    These photos are priceless to me.