Tuesday, August 7, 2012

9 month letter

                                                                                                            August  7, 2012
Dearest Elliot,

With each passing day, I can't help but stop and realize how happy I am.    You are only nine months old and SO full of life.    Your laugh can brighten anyone's day.   Your smile is contagious.    Your heart is so pure.    Your curiosity is inspiring!

I could not help but sit back and smile the other day.     You were crawling around and very busy.    You were on a mission with your blocks and your cars.    You were giggling and maneuvering.    You were smiling while you played.    At one point, you just STOPPED what you were doing.    You turned around and looked at me with those big brown eyes.    You smiled.    And in that moment, I prayed for you.    I prayed that you will always find happiness.   Even in the simple things.   

I love you.     I've always considered myself to be a happy person.    Being your mommy has redefined the term "happy" for me.   Happy for me is knowing you're you.    

All my love,

Happiness Is...
Acting on your dreams.
Building bridges, not walls.
Common sense and moderation.
Disposition, not circumstance.
Embracing optimism.
Feeling what you do matters.
Giving more than receiving.
Having good friends.
Inside you, not ‘out there.’
Job well done.
Knowing when to let go.
Living within your means.
Making the world a better place.
Not going to bed angry.
Optional, and so is misery.
Progress, not perfection.
Quality of your thoughts.
Realistic expectations.
Sharing love and laughter.
Today well lived.
Unbridled enthusiasm.
Vintage memories.
Whatever makes your heart sing.
eXuberance for your existence.
Your choice: if not now, when?
Zzzz’s, a good night’s sleep.
                                                            © Meiji Stewart.